Tuesday, December 12, 2006

You and I

I'm on TV! Well, I'm not, but a pug just like me is. Thanks to Olgivy and Mather, who have a great understanding of the pug breed, utilized our need for constant human companionship to create a great advertising campaign for Hutchison Essar (Hutch), a telecom company in India. This ad campaign was created three years ago and is still aired today. After it was aired, the price of pugs went up!



Winston said...

Hey Oscar,
That is quite cute, but why was the Pug under the bed at first? I would never stand for that. A pug's place is always at head level, or sprawled on his back like at the very end of the ad.

The Grand Duke

Duke and Gidget said...

Loved the video! We give it two paws up!
Oh by the way, you've been Christmas tagged by us. You can see our latest post for all the details.

Anonymous said...

hey i love this video very much. I like the way little pug is following the little boy. It is so cute and i wish i was like that little boy being with a loving companion like pug. Song is also very meaningful with that video

Devina said...

Hi! I want to know, if u knew any details abt the pugs used in the Vodafone and old Hutch adds. My friend claims his dog was used.. which i thought was bull so decided to do a little research :)

Nice blog.