I know, given that, I should love libraries, right? Wrong.

Let me say that my Mother, has practically brought home nearly every book in our library over the last few months. All she ever does is read, read, read. But what about me?! Yeah, well, that's my problem. There is no ME! M-E! No ME! I am practically invisible to Mother when she is reading.
A few days ago, I waited till Mommy settled on the couch with her coffee and books and asked her to play tug with me. She ignored me. Then I brought her my tennis ball and asked her if she'd throw it, and she said "Not now, Oscar." So then, I decided to get my puppy kong and chew on that for awhile. I decided it would be much more fun with a treat so I gave it to Mommy and she said, "Can you wait a few minutes?" Ugh..grrrr...I'm getting really tired of waiting. So, I go chew on my kong for a little while.
So, I went and chewed on my toys for what seemed like an eternity. Ok, fine. I guess it was only for one minute, but still....I mean...sigh, I deserve some play time too, you know.
I took my ball to Mommy and and whined and pouted and barked at her. "When, I finish my coffee, Oscar. Then, I'll play fetch with you and get you a treat for your kong."

When you finish your coffee, eh? I sat there, listening to her. Then, I cocked my head to one side. What was that she said? She'd play with me when she finishes her coffee? The wheels in my head began to turn and before I knew it I picked up my tennis ball and leaned over her coffee mug that was cradled in her hands on her lap and dropped my tennis ball straight into her coffee mug.

How's that for finishing your coffee? Yeah, that's what I thought.
She finished her coffee awfully quick that's for sure. Hehehe.
We then played a nice game of tug-of-war, fetch, chase and then she gave me treat for my kong and settled back on the couch to finish her book. But, not before she put me in my sweater. My sweater makes me all cuddly and sleepy. I don't mind it sometimes, but I hate it when they use it to control how I play or rather, don't play. I guess that's what I get for interfering with her relaxation time.

Oscar....Thanks for the idea. We are going to try that. Next time our Mom has a plate of food in the living room (she doesn't drink coffee) I'm going to drop one of my slobbery wet stuffed toys right in her food. Then she will play with me, right? Is that how it works?
Love, Seadra and Zoe
You are one brilliant pug! I really don't understand what it is about reading . . . Daddy does the same thing and I can't get him to play with me. So, tennis ball in the coffee mug, that's how it works
hehe...you are so smart to make your mom finish her coffee!! BTW, you look very handsome in your sweater!
Silly mommy, you sure showed her! We love the sweater.
Four Pugz
Fine job Oscar, that is a job worthy of me!
Oh Oscar! You are a puggy genius! I love your expressions too! You gave us a big smile! Thank you :)
Emmitt and Melissa
That is hilarious Oscar! And I love that zip up sweater. You are so GQ!
Haha! That's so funny! I wish I could put a sweater on Giggs to make him sleepy.
Hi Oscar!
Yes, what a great idea - dropping your tennis ball in the coffee mug?! I am going to see if I can attempt that!
And I get very quiet and sleepy when my parents put clothes on me too!
Your sweater looks very nice!
Love Clover xo
That was so smart, Oscar. You are such a brainiac!
Oscar...you're SOOOOO smart!!!
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