Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The New Dog Park

Last week, we decided to check out the new dog park near our new home. We discovered that we live very, very close to the country. It's kind of nice being in the suburbs where you are on the outskirts of a city, and yet only a few miles from the country. We almost get the best of both worlds.

Anyhow. This dog park isn't as nice as the Bark Park, I used to go to. However, we decided that we could still go there on the weekends, but during weekdays we'd have to go to the one in the country. There aren't as many little dogs for me to play with there. Most of them are big country dogs.
I spent a lot of time doing my own thing. I sniffed the ground, met the people and trotted behind the big dogs. I had no desire to get run over or stepped on. Some of those dog's paws are bigger than my head!

From the back end, this dog looked friendly so I thought I'd meet him and figure out who he is and what he's about.

That is, until he turned around and I saw his big dark eyes and his huge head that was twice the size of my body. I decided I should probably stick with doing my own thing.

I went to the far edge of the park to see what was on the other side of the fence. There wasn't much there except for lot's of trees and shrubs.
This is a new friend. She came to see me as we were leaving the park to go home. It goes without saying that I was somewhat intimidated by her.


Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hey look at you, Oscar! A new dog park, new doggy friends! Very nice!

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Our dog park isn't so great either. It's always really muddy, and the only dogs that go there are big dogs that don't like to play nice with me :( We need to start our own Pug Park!