Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Dangerous Table

Part One of a Three Part Story

First off, I want to apologize for not blogging this week! My parents were very busy and they were out-of-town the last few days! They went to Washington DC and Mommy didn't have time to update my blog! I have a lot to blog about though! So stay posted, hopefully we'll update this a lot over the next few days!

On to my story. I almost got in HUGE trouble the other night, but luckily, my handsome looks and charming personality got me out of it! The other night, my parents left me in my crate while they ran errands.

When they came home they had the best smelling food with them and I had to find out what it was. I was so excited when they let me out my crate such that I started running huge laps around the apartment. Somehow, I found myself on top of the coffee table where I slipped and slided around on the books and magazines. I slipped and fell straight on my belly as if I had strings attached to me arms and legs pulling them straight out from under me. I jumped back off, slipped and fell a bit more and then jumped to the couch. My back legs slipped off the couch and the rest of me slid off the couch cushions along with them. I finally pulled myself back onto the couch and turned around to face the bag of food that was somehow the only item left on the coffee table.

Mommy was laughing, until she realized that with all the slipping and sliding on the coffee table I could have done some damage. Which I did do. I scratched up their table really good! I thought I was going to be in trouble when I saw Mommy's jaw close and then she said, "Oh, great, what did that do to our table?" She was sort of laughing when she said that, but I could tell that I was in big trouble when she turned to Daddy and said, "Look at what he did!! It's not just a little scratch either."

I mean, it's not really my fault. Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to be on top of the coffee table. I didn't do tt on purpose..I just, sort of, found myself on top of it and didn't know what to do. One moment I'm standing on top of the table and the next moment I'm laying flat on top of it with my arms and legs straight out from underneath me. If Mommy cleaned up the table instead of throwing all her library books, dvds, and magazines on top of it, that probably wouldn't have happened. Speaking of which-I did her a favor. I amazingly cleaned all of the clutter off the table in seconds and left the most important item-the food.


Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Good job Oscar! Teach them the value of a Pug - much more valuable than a silly coffee table.

the Corgi Girls said...

You were helping her dust, right?

Frances Louise said...

I totally agree with you Oscar. No way it was your fault. My Daddy leaves DVD boxes on the floor and he thinks I should be blamed for chewing on them. Geez!

The Devil Dog said...

I know I am not supposed to laugh at your mom but hahahahahahaha. Serves them right for leaving all that stuff on the coffee table. As for the coffee table. It's wood. You and your happiness are much more important.
hee hee


Jen, Stan and Dancer said...

love the blog oscar! i just want to spread the word about a new social networking site for pugs!

Archie and Melissa said...

Hi Oscar!

My name is Emmitt and stuff like that happens to me all the time. I do something fun and exciting, get laughs and smiles that turn to uh oh! Look what happened...and then I am confused. No more laughing. Momma never stays mad though. She says I am too cute and did not mean it.
Life as a pug can be complicated...

Jessica said...

Oscar....I've left a few scratches on the table as well. Mom has learned to cover it up with a table runner.

Good thing we are so cute. We could get away with murder.

Love, Zoe

Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hey Oscaaaaar! It's not your fault! Trust me! What was that coffee table doing there?
I left nice marks on furniture too :P

PerfectTosca said...

Hey Oscar, tell your mom I ate a leather couch. That should put things in perspective for her, eh?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I ate my mama's leather couch too! I thought I was the only one that thought the leather was tasty!!


Juno said...

Oscar.. I almost destroyed my pawrents' apartment when I was a pup. hehehe...

Momo xoxo