I spent the weekend out in the country visiting my relatives! I had so much fun, but I'm exhausted now. I got way to much attention and a lot more play time than I usually get! I'd keep on playing even when it was obvious that I was really tired. I just didn't want the fun to end. I can't wait to go back.
Anyway, I'm having trouble uploading pictures to this thing, so I'll get some on here later!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
We're Back!
Well, those jerks can't stop us now!
We got a new computer and a camera so more pictures can be taken of me and so that Mommy can blog about me again!
Mommy was able to get a lot of her pictures back, but she is still missing quite a few family pictures from a few vacations and a picture of Uncle Dan wearing an old semi-formal dress when he was 14. ha. Too bad, that could have been nice blackmail. He's 16 now and he now thinks he is the Fresh Prince of Bel Aire. ;) We like to give him a hard time. But, I love him-he's hilarious.
We got a new computer and a camera so more pictures can be taken of me and so that Mommy can blog about me again!
Mommy was able to get a lot of her pictures back, but she is still missing quite a few family pictures from a few vacations and a picture of Uncle Dan wearing an old semi-formal dress when he was 14. ha. Too bad, that could have been nice blackmail. He's 16 now and he now thinks he is the Fresh Prince of Bel Aire. ;) We like to give him a hard time. But, I love him-he's hilarious.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Taking A Short Break-We Hope It's Short
It is a cold, grey, rainy and overall a gloomy day. A perfect day to be sad, angry, depressed and scared. Last night, we were the victims of a burglery. Although I always knew that something like this could happen, I never thought that it actually would. A few items of great importance to us were stolen including my laptop and digital camera. I realize that our situation could be much worse, and I am thankful that nothing else went wrong.
As a result however, I will not be able to update Oscar's blog for a few days or even weeks. I will have no vehicle upon which I can publish nor do I have any pictures. Every picture I took over the past several years are gone, including all of Oscar's pictures minus the ones I've published. The fact that all these things and more are gone depresses me.
I've never had anything stolen from me before. I didn't realize how vulnerable and unsafe it can make one feel-or at least me. Obviously, my little Oscar did little to deter the thief(s); he must not be that ferocious anymore. ;)
As a result however, I will not be able to update Oscar's blog for a few days or even weeks. I will have no vehicle upon which I can publish nor do I have any pictures. Every picture I took over the past several years are gone, including all of Oscar's pictures minus the ones I've published. The fact that all these things and more are gone depresses me.
I've never had anything stolen from me before. I didn't realize how vulnerable and unsafe it can make one feel-or at least me. Obviously, my little Oscar did little to deter the thief(s); he must not be that ferocious anymore. ;)
I've Got A Bug..
..or two..or three. Well, I have been itching and scratching myself a bit more often than I normally do, but not alarmingly too often. It's been this way since I came home from the dog sitter. I just assumed that I got into something that I shouldn't have. Which, knowing me, that is probably the case. Last week, I noticed about 3 bugs on me-all at different times. I didn't think anything of it, until Friday night a woman approached my Daddy when he took me out. She said her dog has fleas and they have been having problems with it for the last few months, but it didn't become a bigger problem until recently. Well, now my mom is paranoid and I keep having to take baths and get sprayed with this nasty pesticide stuff for dogs. The bugs that were crawling on me were too big to be fleas...So then, Mom did some research and became convinced that these were fleas so she called the vet. She was ready to go on an all out chemical war in our apartment. Thank goodness she called the vet. So, I may have a flea or two on my body, NOT a big deal. My next dose of Frontline Plus should be coming in the mail within the next day or two. Mommy spent 5 hours vacumming every square inch of our apartment and the furniture and washed every bit of laundry we own. I also got another flea bath and was sprayed down again. I haven't noticed any bugs on me since, nor have I been scratching as much.
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Well, this past week has been extremely boring for me. You know that lonely, empty feeling you get when you leave friends after you've spent a lot of time with them? Well, that happened to me.
I spent a week with four greyhounds. I had a lot of fun. We got to jump all over the furniture. We played "Don't touch the ground or else you drown." It was easy for me because I would jump on the couch, the end table, to the coffee table, to the sofa chair and back around again. The greyhounds can't do that very well. They'd always drown.
But anyway, I tried to look to my Mommy for entertainment and she ignored me a lot this week. She's out of school so she's been trying to catch up on laundry from vacation, cleaning, cooking and baking and doing other house chores she normally wouldn't get around to in a normal week. So, I've been left to entertain myself. I know she feels badly because on Monday she went out to do some grocery shopping and she came home with a huge rawhide bone for me!!
I love rawhide bones! I try to devour them everytime I get a new one. I get it so wet and milky that I get a "milk mustache" on the top of my nose. I'll just save it for later when my bone is all gone.
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